Discovering Siena
Illustrated by Sara Franci
Translated by Melchiorre Andrea Giordano
Volume Il prezzo originale era: 13,50€.12,83€Il prezzo attuale è: 12,83€.
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Discovering Siena is a unique journey across real stories and legends.
Three amazing narrators – Balena Canterina, Lupa della Stella and Barbero Cronista – will guide you through the beauty of their city where time becomes eternity, and ancient memories that became myths can be found hiding in every building and street.
This journey begins a long time ago, when the sea was in Siena (incredible, isn’t it?) and cars didn’t yet exist, not even in the mind of some mad scientist.
In order to unfold the secrets of Siena, you’ll have to follow all the clues, even the smallest ones lying in every chapter, and carefully observe the precious and beautiful illustrations, which will guide your imagination and the desire to discover a whole new world across the city of the Palio.
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Maura Martellucci, born on December 19th, 1968, is a journalist and has a degree in Medieval History. She took the role of history expert in many research fields, and edited various publications about the history of Siena and its territory. She made some studies about the ancient hospital of Santa Maria Della Scala in particular. For her younger audience, she wrote Una pittura maestosa. I bambini alla scoperta della Maestà di Duccio di Boninsegna with Enrico Grassini (2021). Maura Martellucci belongs with the Nobile Contrada del Nicchio.
Simona Merlo, born in Palermo on October 19th, 1977, graduated in Communication Studies in 2003 and is a journalist since 2008. She has a great passion: writing. Since 2014, she published the short stories collection Merlo’s Place – Short Stories, the anthology of poems A 21 mi fermo, the noir novel SessantunoChiodi. Mistero e morte in Toscana, and the interactive guide Attraverso Siena – Emozioni Interattive. With Marco Rossato, she wrote Cambio Rotta. Io e Muttley 1648 miglia sotto costa in cerca di porti senza barriere. For the CNA Siena Retirees, she wrote I nonni senza abbracci. I pensionati raccontano il Covid. With Elena Casi, she wrote La cura al tempo del Covid. Caregiver e persone con disabilità si raccontano.
Sara Franci, born in Florence, lives and works as an illustrator and author in her hometown. Her motto is “we’re made of stories and magic”, and she follows the idea that stories can teach us how to live. Her works are aimed at children and kids, even though she thinks that art is for everyone. She plans and participates in workshops and presentations with schools and libraries. She also cooperates with the Florence Meyer Hospital, for which she realized a painting in 2022. She wrote I tuoi sogni sono stelle (2020) and Piccolo Buio (2018), as well as making the illustrations. She also worked on the drawings in Ettore e il labirinto del vegotauro (2021), Favole (2021), Sandrino e i tre piccoli gnomi (2020), Non sai chi è Petronia? (2020), Ti presento Firenze (2022) and Ti presento Siena (2022).